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"In support of Law Enforcement, Thank You for all you do!"

     Hello, I have lived in Leon County for over 50 Years, it is my Home and it will always be my Home. I am running to become your Leon County Commissioner, for District 5, because it is time for someone different, someone with Fresh Ideas and opinions, someone who actually thinks outside the box. Leon County is my Home, and I truly want to make a difference and help move it in a positive direction. I will work hard, not only for the great Citizens of District 5 but for ALL the Citizens of Leon County. I will work hard to reel in Wasteful Spending and make Financial Responsibility, Accountability and Transparency of OUR Tax Dollars a Top Priority. I will challenge Agendas that I feel are too costly or not needed. I want to make Leon County a place where small Businesses will prosper, grow and create Jobs, to help improve the quality of life for you and your family. Click the *My Campaign Platform* link below and you will see some of the items that I want to work on and improve upon. I do not just point out the problems like other Candidates do, I try to give solid solutions to fixing them, solutions that I believe will work because, the old ways are not working, it is time for a Commissioner that Thinks outside the Box. I do not know any Lobbyists, Developers, Contractors or Large Corporate CEOs and I do not owe any Favors to anyone. If you elect me to be your District 5 County Commissioner, I will work hard and diligently to fulfill my promises, because Leon County is MY Home too.

A Blue Collar Worker FOR the Blue Collar Worker



My Campaign Signs

     Again, I will be doing a lot of Self Funding of my Campaign. The goal for my Campaign is to do as much as I can to get the word out that I am running for County Commissioner without spending Tens of Thousands of Dollars to do it. I feel that by starting early and working hard, I should be able to achieve my goal. With my 2016 Campaign, I did 98% of Campaigning myself, and that included putting out the Yard signs as well as picking them back up after the Election. The Campaign Guide gave me some insight on where the signs can be placed but to be safe I called the County and was told that the right of way on county and state roads can extend as far as 20 feet from the edge of the road but was told, if I keep my signs past the Sidewalk, Utility Poles or Fire Hydrants, whichever is the farthest away from the Road I will be ok. Again, I will be going a step farther and carry a swing blade with me and I placed my signs past the Mow Lines which is a little farther. I do not want to disrupt the people on the Mowers who maintain the Right-Of-Ways.
     When you see my signs, I hope you also notice that there is only one sign there. I have noticed over the Years as well as the past Election, that during the Campaign Seasons, many of the Candidates will place several of their signs together, side by side. I promise you that, I will NOT do that, it is not needed and I feel it is a waste of money. I will also promise that when the Election is over, again, Win or Lose, I will personally go out and collect my Signs. If you see a problem with one of my signs, please send me an Email and tell me where the sign is located so I can go by and check it out to straighten it, replace it or move it. I do have signs available to those who would like one for their Yard.

7680 Talley Ann Dr., Tallahassee Florida, 32311

Email me with any questions you may have.


Please Email me at: