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     Some of you already know me and some of you may know of me as, I ran for County Commissioner in 2016 and did really well. I have lived in Leon County for over 50 Years, it is my Home. I am a HUGE Car Guy, I am mostly into Mustangs. My first paid Job was way back in 1969 at a whopping $2 a week. A friend and I folded Newspapers for John Peterson, who had the Paper Route in our area, his Dad was Coach Bill Peterson for FSU back then.

     Since then, I have had several cool Jobs that I liked a lot, from being a Pump Jockey (Gas Station Attendant) to a Mechanic and even a Tow Truck operator. Then, in 1989 I was hired on for my first Job with the State, at the Motor Pool with Department of General Services which later became Department of Management Services, then I switched over to Building Maintenance with the same Department. Nine Years later I switched gears and went over to Florida Department of Revenue to work in their Warehouse dealing with Office Supplies and also filled in at the Mail Room as needed, I am still with Revenue today, over 30 Years with the State now, A couple Years ago, I was promoted to Supervisor of both, the Mailroom and the Warehouse. I have learned a lot working for the State, at both Agencies, how things work and how things are done, some good, some not so good.

     I am very blessed to have the Family that I have. My Parents married young and had 6 Kids. They were married for over 50 Years until my Mother passed away on December 11, 2009. My Mom ran the House while my Dad worked and all six of their Kids graduated High School, and that is HUGE in my book. Growing up, I learned to pinch pennies and to look for the best deals, from my Mom. My Parents encouraged all of us to follow our Dreams. I have talked about running for Office for a couple of decades and my friends and Family, especially my Mom have told me I should do it so, I finally did it, I registered for the 2016 Election, and I did very well. My opponent was Commissioner Lindley and, even though I did not think I would win, I did receive 46,397 Votes and I gained experience to run a second time. A week after Elections, refusing to give up, I registered again, running for the same seat for 2020, Commissioner Lindley had decided to Retire BUT, things had changed. I decided to redirect my Campaign to 2022 and run for District 5 because I had started a 501(c)3 Nonprofit and wanted to get it going and felt it would not look good raising money for both, my Campaign and my Nonprofit at the same time. My Friends and Family are still encouraging me because they like what I stand for and I hope that you as well will like what I stand for.
